
We view the safeguarding of our children to be of paramount importance and believe that all our children have the right to be safe, happy and learn. Everyone who works in, volunteers at or visits our school has a responsibility to make this happen.

We will ensure that;

  • The welfare of all of our children remains paramount at all times.
  • All suspicions and concerns raised regarding safeguarding matters will be taken seriously and our response will be swift and appropriate.
  • All adults working or volunteering at our academy will be made aware of our academy’s safeguarding arrangements and the importance of reporting any concerns to the appropriate people.

Key Safeguarding Contacts:

If you have safeguarding concerns about any pupils or adults in the school, you may wish to contact one of the following adults:

Mr Copley (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mrs Lawson (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and CP Manager)

Mrs Turnbull (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Attendance Officer)

If your concerns are related to child-on-child abuse or 'bullying', we have specific in-school procedures to support you and the children.  To read more about this, click here.

If you have any safeguarding concerns about a member of staff in the school you may wish to speak to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). The school's LADOs are Lisa Dosser who can be contacted by email:

If you have a concern about a child or adult at the school and would like to speak to someone not linked to the school or it is a time when the school is not open you could ring one of the following numbers.

East Riding’s ‘Early Help and Safeguarding Hub’ (SaPH) 01482 395500 or 01482 241273 (out of office hours)

If you have immediate concerns about a child’s safety you must phone the police on 999.

To read Keeping Children Safe in Education, please click here.