Our Student Council

We are Keyingham Primary School's Student Council:

We meet on the last Tuesday of every month with Mrs Richardson and Ms Billaney (who is also the Clerk to our Parish Council). We each have a Student Council lanyard with an ID badge attached. 

We focus on:

"Trying our best to encourage everybody to be fair and kind to one another"

“Improve areas we are not so good at in our classes”

“Looking after each other and being Kind”

This year we are continuing to focus on ‘The Journey to Green’. This includes the outdoor environment in and around our school, green spaces, our homes or anywhere that learning can take place in nature.

Looking after our outdoor spaces, making them more attractive to people and to wildlife will be one of the themes of our project to turn the grassed area at the front of our school into a beautiful public space for everyone to enjoy. We will be working with Keyingham Parish Council to collaborate ideas. 

At our school we have chosen a set of values which we review on a monthly basis. We discuss them as a group and how they have been displayed in our classes. We R.A.G. rate them using our colour coded smiley faces we designed ourselves. This helps us to see how we are doing or plan how to make changes if we need to.

Our values are:




In school, we show these values in our behaviour, our learning, our curriculum and in the respectful way we interact with every member of our school community. 

In February we will be attending the pupil conference at the University of Hull along with other Student Councillors from The Consortium Academy Trust.

We will provide regular updates of our progress on our projects in the Keyingham local newsletter (The Forward Magazine) and on the school website.

In 2022, we planted trees on the local playing field for the Queen Platinum Jubilee, worked with a local builders merchant to build 2 sandpits for our school field, designed village road signs and created an end of year report. 

In 2023, we started our 'Journey to Green' project. We planted 53 trees at the front of the school. We presented in front of Parish Councils to ask for donations. We designed and received a bench for the Kings Coronation. All these fabulous items can be found in our Student Council book and end of year report.