Learning and Development
An excellent early years’ environment can support all children to be fully engaged in purposeful play of their own choice and interest.
We have a workshop style environment indoors and outside. All resources are available to the children. The children select what they want to do in each area. The principle is that resources are accessible to the children and they are varied, open-ended and high quality. This gives children the opportunity to select resources to support their chosen activity. Our children choose where to go and what to do from the moment they arrive – they initiate their own learning and adults join them and support them in their pursuits.
Through careful assessment and observation, including information provided by parents and other settings, children’s development levels are assessed. The balance will shift towards a more equal focus on all areas of learning as children grow in confidence and ability within the three prime areas. However, if a child’s progress in any prime area gives cause for concern, staff will discuss this with the child’s parent and/or carers and agree how to support the child. This may also include a discussion with the SENDCO in order to access additional educational support.