
This week in class we have been asking: What is precipitation? Who was Jesus? Can we name different types of materials and their properties?
Our Flashback 4 questions have been:
1. Can you describe what ‘tone’ means?
2. What are tints and shades?
3. Can you count in 3’s?
4. Why is Passover celebrated?
Next week we will be asking: What does the bible say Jesus did? Who is Emily Howarth-Booth? What is a non-chronological report?
Next week our sounds will be ew, ire and ear including words such as chew, bonfire and appear.
Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is Maths (Spring).
Book Bags: please send your child with their books on a Monday to be changed for the week. Please read the book several times until they are fluent and no longer sounding out all the words.