
This week in class we have been asking: In science, what makes a bird a bird? In geography, where is Kenya and what is it like? In computing, what does debug mean? In music, what is a xylophone and how do I use it? In RE, what are the special things Jewish people use during Shabbat? In Maths, if I have 4 groups of 5, how many do I have and are the groups equal?
Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:
1. Today: In computing, what does it mean to debug a programme?
2. This/last week: In science, what ,makes a bird, a bird?
3.This term: In RE, what do Jewish people do on the Shabbat?
4. Last term: In history, where did Amy Johnson fly to?
Next week, we will be asking: In science, what is special about fish? In geography, what are the similarities and differences between Nairobi and Hull? In Food Technology, how do my senses help me to enjoy food? In Music, how do I play a glockenspiel? In Maths, what are fractions?
Next week we will be revisiting the sounds: oa, ph and kn in words such as goat, phone and knee.
Please keep working on the The Graduate Awards which you can find on the school website. If you complete one, bring in the work or send photos to admin@keyinghamprimary.co.uk, answer some questions and you can be awarded the certificate.
PE is now on Wednesdays and Thursdays.