
This week in class we have been asking: In RE, what do members of the Jewish community do on Shabbat? In Science, what are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores? In geography, where are the north and south poles and the equator? In Jigsaw, what different relationships do we have? In computing, how can I make a Beebot turn? In maths, what are equal groups?
Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:
1. Today: In RE, who celebrate Shabbat? What is it?
2. This/last week: In science, name some parts of an animal.
3.This term: In geography, where would you find the equator?
4. Last term: In DT, what joins did we learn and how did they help to build a tower?
Next week, we will be asking: In science, what is a mammal? In geography, where is Kenya? In Food Technology, how can I cut vegetables safely? In computing, how can we make the robot move in different ways? In music, what is a xylophone and how do I use it? In RE, why do Jewish people have a Kiddish cup during Shabbat? In Maths, how can arrays help me to count?
Next week we will be revisiting the sounds: are, ur and ow in words such as share, purse and town.
Please keep working on the The Graduate Awards which you can find on the school website. If you complete one, bring in the work or send photos to admin@keyinghamprimary.co.uk, answer some questions and you can be awarded the certificate.
PE is now on Wednesdays and Thursdays.