
This week in class we have been asking: In history, what is Amy Johnson known for and where was she from? In DT, how could I improve my design to make my tower more stable? In music, why does a piece of music need a pulse? In PE, what can I do to make my throwing accurate? In RE, does everyone believe in God? In Jigsaw, how can I keep myself safe when I’m out and about?

Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:

1. Today: In history, who was Amy Johnson?

2. This/last week: In science, what are the properties of plastic?

3. This term: In geography, what are the 4 countries of the UK?

4. Last term: In computing, what do you do if someone sends an unkind message to you on a game?

Next term, we will be learning about: animals in Science, the continents in Geography, Jewish celebrations in RE and World Views, secondary colours and the natural world in Art, gymnastics and object control in PE, relationships in PSHE through Jigsaw, programming in Computing.

Next week we will be learning the sounds: tion/sion and tious/cious, in words such as fiction/tension and scrumptious/precious.

Please check the English Graduate Award that I sent home last week for you to have a go at. If you complete it, bring in the work or send photos to admin@keyinghamprimary.co.uk, answer some questions and you can be awarded the certificate.