This week in class we have been asking: In RE, who is responsible for looking after the world? In Science, what materials have the following properties – hard, soft, dull, shiny, rough or smooth? In geography, what are the features of a coastal area? In art, what is sculpture? In computing, how can I save my work? In music, what is a rhythm? In maths, how can number bonds help me to add?
Our Flashback 4 Questions have been:
1. In art, how do artists use tone?
2. In Geography, explain what is meant by the terms Urban, Rural and Coastal.
3. In Science, why is glass a good material for a window?
4. In history, what do we use a family tree for?
Next week, we will be asking: In science, why do we use certain materials for certain objects? In geography, what can I see to the North, East, South and West in the village? In art, how do I make a sculpture? In computing, how can keep safe when using technology? In music, what is composition? In RE, what can I do to make the world a better place? In Maths, what are the doubles of the numbers 1-9?
Next week we will be learning the sounds: ear, ure, ire in words such as fear, pure and fire.
Please keep working on the The Graduate Awards which you can find on the school website. If you complete one, bring in the work or send photos to admin@keyinghamprimary.co.uk, answer some questions and you can be awarded the certificate.