
This term in Science we have learnt all about plants and how the roots stop them from blowing over in the wind which is very useful today! We have also learnt about the seasons and different weather and how we get day and night, In History we have learnt about the past and how a source can help us find out more and what a family tree is, In Art we have learnt about the primary colours and the artists Paul Klee and Mondrian. In Geography we learnt about villages, towns and cities and labelled them with human or physical features. In DT we have learnt how to make a picture move using sliders. In Music we have learnt to improvise using the Boom Whackers and how to find the pulse of a piece of music. In RE we have been learning that there are many different things to belong to and some people belong to Christianity and some people are Jewish and they have special places to go to and we have also learnt why Christmas is so important to Christians. In Maths we have learnt all about the  numbers to 10 and how to add and subtract. We have also been amazing Readers this term and can now read so much more. Next term we are looking forward to our trip to Sewerby Hall. Our favourite memory from this term was our trip to Sandy Bottoms Pumpkin Farm. Over Christmas we will be having Christmas dinners with our families, going out for fun trips, baking Christmas biscuits, opening our presents because we've all been so good and playing with our families.