Year 4 News

Ms T. Whiting 

Hi, I am Mrs Whiting and I am the Year 4 teacher at Keyingham Primary School. I joined the Keyingham family in September 2021.  I have 2 children who keep me very busy and if I find the time I enjoy running, music concerts and going to the theatre (which doesn’t happen a great deal now!).  I don’t get the opportunity to read as much as I would like at the moment, other than with your amazing children in class, but a few years ago I came across the book ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy – a truly worthwhile read! 

October 2022

  • 14/10/22


    This week in Year 3, we have shown kindness by working together to research rocks, soils and fossils. This week in Year 3, we have shown courage during maths. We have been exchanging tens and ones when adding and subtracting. This week in Year 3, we have shown curiosity during our Jigsaw lesso...
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  • 07/10/22


    This week in Year 3, we have shown kindness by helping each other access IT equipment and helping our friends when they have got hurt. This week in Year 3, we have shown courage when using cutting tools in forest school. This week in Year 3, we have shown curiosity when learning the French wor...
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October 2022