
This week in class we have been asking.... How does dialogue in narrative help to develop the story? What was Roman Britain like? Was Sita a strong female role model? How do life cycles work? Can we understand and use formal methods for division? Can we connect crumbles in IT?
Our ‘Flashback 4’ questions were….
1.Today: What are the rules for speech punctuation?
2.This/last week: Can we name different types of chemical energy stores?
3.This term: Why do we have different diets?
4.Last term: Who were the Mayans?
Next week we will be asking
How does dialogue advance the narrative? Can we multiply fractions? How did the Romans conquer Britain? Can we connect crumbles to our computers? In studying Hinduism, we will be asking who was the prince in the palace? How do life cycles work?
Year 5 are now having their PE sessions on a Monday and Thursday. The Thursday session will be with the Active Communities Team, under the East Riding Council. While the students are taking part in their sessions, they have asked for permission to take photos and videos of the children so they can use them in future reports and presentations. There is a ‘consent’ item on the Arbor app. If you could kindly accept or decline. Thank you.
Our spelling rule next week will be the sound 'f' and will include the words: profit, prophet, physical, cough, rough, definite, familiar, foreign, forty, insufficient, interfere, sporty.
Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is: DT (Cooking and nutrition) Year 5 Graduate Awards - Keyingham Primary
REMEMBER: PE is every Monday and Thursday