This week in class we have been asking what have we learnt during the Autumn Term…
We have learnt how to sculpture pumpkins, how to cook pizza, bread rolls & soup. We have explored the Amazon Rainforest and found out about the Kayapo Tribe. We have learnt about the Mayan Civilisation. We have asked what is the Digestive System? We composed a group piece of music.
We are looking forward to learning next term about the Ancient Greeks, creating a leave collage linked to the Amazon Rainforest and in science we will be learning about the water cycle.
Our favourite memories from the Autumn Terms are as follows: –
Going to Holderness Academy to cook!
The Reindeer Run!
The weekly Multiplication practice!
Cross Country.
Dodgeball Tournament.
Over Christmas we are looking forward to opening our presents, spending time with our families, going abroad, going ice-skating and eating Christmas Dinner!!!