This week in Year 3, we have been reading ‘Code Name Bananas’ by David Walliams. After a few dramas, Eric, Sid and Gertrude finally arrived in Bogner Regis to be greeted by loads of policemen. They escaped by dressing up using clothes they found in the lost property office. When they eventually arrived at Seaside Towers (the holiday hotel Sid had stayed in as a child) they found it closed! On closer inspection, they discovered the Braun (Brown) sisters inside, who made them feel very welcome but are not who they seem to be.
This week in Year 3, we have been learning how to join two pieces of fabric together using thread and a running stitch, to make our stained-glass windows. They look amazing! We have learned how to work out how much change would be given when spending money. Some of us were very good and some of us need more practice. In Writing, we have been looking at poetry and have used the poem ‘Dog on the playground’ by Allan Ahlberg as the stimulus for our own poems, entitled ‘Cat on the Playground’, which follows the adventures of Chester the cat, who is a frequent visitor to the school grounds.
Next week in Year 3, we will be asking questions like ‘What impact did WW2 have on Keyingham and its children?’ and ‘How has Keyingham changed since WW2?’ and ‘Are there any things that have stayed the same?’