
This week in class we have been asking, “What are the 4 types of throws?” These are: the heave throw, sling throw, overarm and push throw. We found out that the overarm/push throw were the best for throwing for distance because we could get more momentum. In Dance, we’ve learned a new dance to add to our performance. It’s to show how cool the second character (Link) is. In History, our question was, “What have the Greeks invented and how has it impacted life today?” We learned the Greeks used the 12-star signs to predict the future and they could predict when a solar eclipse would happen. The Greeks also created their own number system, similar to Romans where they used lines to represent ones, butdidn’t have a symbol for every number yet. In Maths, we’ve been learning different ways to represent data. We have looked at pictograms and bar charts.
Our 'Flash Back 4' questions were:
1.A source of light is something that emitsits own light.
What does ‘emits’ mean?
2.What is soil made up of?
3.Define these key RE vocabulary words:
- atheist
- theist
- agnostic
4.How is the Amalfi Coast different/similar to the Graian region, or our region: Yorkshire & the Humber?
Next week, we will be asking, “What are stereotypes within families and how can we challenge these?” and “What are the correct, scientific names for our body parts?”
Our spelling rule next week is‘s’ sounding words, such as: absolute, consistent, necessary, evidence, concept, society, scent, thistle, influence, nonsense, cease, circumstances
Next week, our PE days are Monday (Hairspray dress rehearsal), Tuesday & Wednesday (Hairspray performance)