
This week in class we have been asking, “What is an Imam?” We had a visitor in class, who was the Imam from the mosque in Hull. We learned that his job is to help people pray, lead prayer and he taught us about his beliefs as a Muslim. He talked about Ramadan, which he thinks helps us become more disciplined and helps our bodies feel better. It also helps us to understand how people who don’t have much food feel. In History, we asked, “Who are the gods and goddesses in Ancient Greece?” We learned about Zeus (who liked drama and causing problems between other gods) and Hades, who was the god of the underworld (who has a three-headed dog called Cerbus). We also learned that Zeus is the God of the heavens. In PE, we practised our jumping skills, swinging our arms for momentum and distance. We also practised a heave throw, where we faced the opposite direction of where the object is being thrown, swinging it between our legs and the sling throw, where you stand at the side at an angle and throw it over your shoulder. In Science, we asked, “What materials are magnetic?” We learned that not all metals are magnetic.
Our 'Flash Back 4' questions were:
1.Opaque materials let no light pass through, so we cannot see through these.
What’s the difference between transparent and translucent?
2.A device that is connected to a network without the need for a wire is called a WAP.
What does WAP stand for?
3.Morals are our understanding of right and wrong.
What do Christians call their morals which they have to follow? C____________
4.Can you describe what each of these parts of a plant do?
- Roots
- Stem
- Xylem
- Phloem
Next week, we will be asking, “How do babies grow?"and “How are our lives influenced by Ancient Greeks?”
Our spelling rule next week is‘ee’ sounding words, such as: steel, steal, millipede, theme, deceive, antibiotic, antisocial, anticlockwise, familiar, obvious, regal, theory
Next week, our PE days are Monday (outdoor) and Tuesday (indoor)