
This week in class we have been asking, “How are volcanoes formed?” We learned that tectonic plates can more towards each other (called a destructive plate boundary) where Earth is pushed towards the centre of the Earth and turns into semi-molten rock, which is then forced through the Earth’s crust and released through a volcano eruption. Once the lava cools, this will turn into igneous rock. Tectonic plates also move away from each other (called a constructive plate boundary) this is where Earth is pulled away from each other creating a crack in the Earth’s crust, where the magma escapes. In Science, we also learned the three phrases of a plant lifecycle. These are germination, growth and reproduction.
We also started an observational science experiment to test how sunlight effects the growth of cress and radish. We have planted some seeds in test tubes with different transparency: transparent, translucent and opaque. Over the next couple of weeks, we will record our findings. In Computing, we created a storyboard linked to volcanoes, which will begin to animate next week and today we’ve made Popcorn in DT.

Our 'Flash Back 4' questions were:  

1.What is the difference between a destructive plate boundary and a constructive plate boundary?

2.What is seasonal food?

3.What is a prophet? Who do Muslims believe is their prophet?

4.Define these Ancient Egypt vocabulary words.
 - Empire
 - Hieroglyph 
 - Mummification
 - Pharaoh 
 - Tribute

After half term we will be asking, “How are seeds dispersed?” and “How did Islam spread?”

Our spelling rule next week is ‘r’ sounding words, such as: grammar, increase, interest, library, natural, probably, promise, recent, wrong, ferried, erase, redder

 Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday