This week in class we have been asking, “What did the Ancient Egyptians develop?” We learned that the Egyptians were the first to develop mouth wash, used wire to fix loose teeth and made medical instruments. They had a calendar with 12 months, which each had 30 days, which meant they had 5 days that didn’t belong to any month. In Science, we were asking, ‘How do we make a healthy plate of food?’ We learned to make sure have 2 palms of vegetables on a plate and 1 palm of fruit on a plate. In RE, were discussed how people can show love in different ways and how Christians use love to help them making morally right decisions.
‘Our 'Flash Back 4' questions were:
1.What do we call the drawings and writings used by the Egyptians?
2.Why is fat and fibre needed in a healthy, balanced diet?
3.What does a Philosopher do?
4.What is the difference between an OS map, political map and physical map?
Next week we will be asking, “How did Ancient Egypt grow (and shrink)? and “What bones make up the human skeleton?”
Our spelling rule next week is ‘k’ sounding words, such as: accident, oblique, cheque, scheme, affect, effect, link, across, school, predict, acropolis, character
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday