
This Autumn term, Year 3 have done lots of learning. In Maths, we have been working hard on using the four operations (multiplying, dividing, addition and subtraction) to solve problems. In Writing, we have written some fabulous narratives and persuasive leaflets. In Science, we have asked questions, like ‘How are rocks formed?’ and learned about the three different types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic, including the fossilisation process. We loved making different ‘rock formations’ with Starbursts. This half term, we carried out a Science investigation, asking, ‘How does the distance of light effect the size of a shadow?’ We found out that the further away a light source is from an object the smaller the shadow becomes. In History, we have loved learning about dinosaurs and the Stone Age. We had a great time when Dinostar came to visit and we got to see loads of artefacts, from fossilised dinosaur eggs, to a T-Rex footprint. We also enjoyed making our own fossils. The key thing we’ve learned in History is how life change for early human species (homosapiens) from the beginning of the Stone Age to the Bronze, then Iron Age. In RE, we asked questions like, ‘How is the Bible used in Christianity?’, ‘What is the Trinity?’ and ‘Why do Christians celebrate Pentecost?’ Last half term in Geography, we learned all about the different regions and counties that make up our country and explored different types of maps, from physical, political and OS maps. In Art, we have been learning to use mixed media (watercolours, paint, charcoal, chalk and oil pastels) to recreate our own cave-style paintings of megafauna animals. In French, we have learned the names of different animals, colours and numbers. In DT, we asked, ‘Which solution stiffens fabric the best?’ and used our stiffened fabric to create fabric boxes. The Music this term, we have focused on performing and playing skills using the glockenspiels. In Computing, we’ve been practising speedier typing skills using ‘Touch Typing’ on Purple Mash and developed our coding skills to create a Stone Age scene that used different controls, events and outputs. In PE, we have been going lots of partner and group work to play games and create sequences involving different dance moves and balances to music and finally, in Jigsaw, we have been learning about different families and resolving conflicts.

What we are most looking forward to next term is Art and PE, Science because we get to learn about the skeleton and French.

Our best memories this term were going to the church to sing Christmas songs, when Dinostar came to visit because of all the artefacts we got to see, playtimes, using Starbursts in Science (that we got to eat), creating a dance in PE and using javelins, using the glockenspiels in Music, having Christmas dinner and coding on the computer.

What we are most looking forward to over Christmas is opening presents, having Christmas dinner, spending time with friends and family, relaxing, sleepovers and playing games, taking part in family traditions like wearing Christmas jumpers and watching Christmas movies, celebrating my dog’s birthday, opening Christmas crackers, giving gifts and football tournament.