Year 4 News

Mrs Whiting

Hi, I am Mrs Whiting and I am the Year 4 teacher at Keyingham Primary School. I joined the Keyingham family in September 2021.  I have 2 children who keep me very busy and if I find the time I enjoy running, music concerts and going to the theatre (which doesn’t happen a great deal now!).  I don’t get the opportunity to read as much as I would like at the moment, other than with your amazing children in class, but a few years ago I came across the book ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy – a truly worthwhile read! 

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  • 14/02/25


    This week in class we have been asking… What is a liquid, solid or gas and which materials have more than one property? As a class we were very fortunate and went to Rotherham to Magna we had an amazing experience and made paint as well as witnessing exploding mentos!!! A fire...</div><a class=Read Full Story
  • 07/02/25


    This week in class we have been asking… In Science we have been learning about ‘The Water Cycle’ and focusing on the vocabulary precipitation, evaporation, condensation, melting and freezing. In Maths, we have been focusing on perimeter and took to the playground to measure the...
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  • 07/02/25


    This week in class we have been asking… In RE we have been exploring charity linked to the Muslim faith. In our maths lessons we have started to learn about perimeter. During writing we are exploring cultural stories and looking at how we can create our own. A screenshot of a...</div><a class=Read Full Story
  • 24/01/25


    This week in class we have been asking… In RE we have been asking what is poverty and justice? Is it right and fair that people in the world are poor? During maths we have been focusing on division and asking how do we divide a 3 digit number by 1 digit. This has been somewhat tricky, but...
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  • 17/01/25


    This week in class we have been asking… How do I say ‘I would like a cheese sandwich’ in French?       Our ‘Flash Back 4’ questions were Today: What is the difference between autocracy and democracy? This/last week: What are th...
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  • 10/01/25


    This week in class we have been asking… What are the changing states of matter?       Our ‘Flash Back 4’ questions were Today: Can you squeeze a solid? This/last week: What does the digestive system do? This term:  How do you divid...
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  • 20/12/24


    This week in class we have been asking… How do we celebrate difference?       Our ‘Flash Back 4’ questions were Today: How do you divide with 100? This/last week: When we knead bread what does this do to the dough? This term:  Are...
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  • 13/12/24


    This week in class we have been asking… How do we make pizza?       Our ‘Flash Back 4’ questions were Today: What is an ecosystem? This/last week: Can you name the knots used during Forest School? This term:  Name the organs associ...
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  • 06/12/24


    This week in class we have been asking… What did the Maya Civilisation develop?       Our ‘Flash Back 4’ questions were   Today: What is ‘The Fall’ in religious education? This/last week: Name the stages of a food chain...
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  • 29/11/24


    This week in class we have been asking… How do we make bread ? Our ‘Flash Back 4’ questions were Today: Who wrote the poem Life doesn’t frighten me? This/last week: What did the Maya famously build? What is bloodletting? This term:  What are the features...
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  • 22/11/24


    This week in class we have been asking… How do we digest food? What is a product? Our ‘Flash Back 4’ questions were Today: What are poetic devices? Can you name at least three? This/last week: What are the Abrahamic Faiths? What organs are linked to the Digestive Syste...
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  • 15/11/24


    This week in class we have been asking… Who ruled the ancient Maya? Our ‘Flash Back 4’ questions were Today: What creature has carnassial teeth? This/last week: Who was Boudica? This term:  What is an input device in relation to sound?  Last term: What...
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