This week, in Forest School we learnt how to make a lean-to-shelter. In computing we learnt how to use a new piece of software called Scratch. We were then about to create and command a spirite. In maths, we have been learning all about fractions. We've asked questions like, "What are equivalent fractions?" "What is a unit and non-unit fraction?" And "Which fraction is greater?" In Art, we were asked "What if form?" We learned new shading skills: hatching, cross-hatching, stippling and gradient shading to add light to dark areas to our art work to enable our drawings to appear more three demensional. In History we have continued finding out about the Egyptians and how they lived. We asked, "Who ruled Ancient Egypt?" We learned that during this time, they had Pharaohs who were like a King or Queen, but they had autocracy meaning they didn't have to answer to anybody and could make up their own rules. Finally, in PE this week, we've started a gymnastics unit. We've be practising skills or balancing and control.
Next week, we will be asking, in History, ‘What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?’ and In Art, ‘Can you used mix media to create shade?’
Our Flashback 4 questions this week were:
- What is contour line in Art?
- What do starchy and sugary carbohydrates give the body?
- What does morality mean?
- Who is in charge of Ancient Egypt?
- Which is not a type of rock? Igneous, Anthropic, Metamorphic, Sedimentary.
Our spelling rule next week is “k‘’ sounding words: accident, oblique, cheque, scheme, affect, effect, link, across, school, acropolis, predict, character
Our PE days are Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor)