
This week, In Forest school we were finalising our knot-tying skills ready for next week to make our Christmas decorations. In Jigsaw, we were learning how to solve problems. We talked about how words can hurt, but also can be used positively. In PE, we had to work in partners to practise different balances and movements. Then in teams, we practised different throwing skills, such as an overarm throw. We also used javelins. In History, our key piece we made was a timeline to show how the early man changed from the stone age, bronze age and iron age. We also got to enjoy our new reading corner this week. To make reading for pleasure more enjoyable, we’ve added some cushions, blankets and a rug.
For our Flashback 4 questions this week, we tested all over vocabulary knowledge from the Autumn term. For example: mixed media, tertiary colours, continuous line, opaque, translucent, transparent, luminous, artificial and natural light source, monotheism, settlement, agriculture. We also asked questions such as: “When did the first human-like species exist?”, “What is a nomadic lifestyle?” and “What is our region and county?”
Next week we have lots to look forward to: Rocksteady concert, a church visit to sing Christmas corals and Friday’s treat afternoon.
Our spelling rule next week is “f‘’ sounding words: forward, fruit, affect, effect, phase, efficient, giraffe, magnify, magnificent, often, therefore, fearsome.
Next week, our PE days are Tuesday (indoor)