
This week, in class, we had a special visitor come to see us on Monday. Dinostar! We got to see lots of different ecofacts, from dinosaur legs bones, a fossilised dinosaur egg and a T-Rex footprint. We also made our own fossils and fossil rubbings. In Computing, we were asking, “How can we animate our drawings?” We used an app on the iPads called iMotion to capture different frames of our own drawings. We learned a new term, ‘onion-skin’ which is when you can see the previous frame overlapping your current frame. In Art, we asked, “What are tertiary colours?” We learned how to mix tertiary colours, using primary and secondary colours to create a colour wheel. In Science, we asked, “How are shadows formed?” We used torches and a range of opaque, translucent and transparent object to observe how light passes through each object, allowing a shadow to form, or not. We found out that opaque objects create good shadows because they allow no light to pass through them.
Our “Flashback 4” questions this week were:
1.Who lived first the Neanderthals or Homo sapiens?
2.A light source is something that ‘emits’ it’s own light. What does this mean? Can you give an example?
3.What is the difference between impermeable and permeable rocks?
4.In DT, we used interfacing to make our boxes stronger. What does this mean?
Next week, we’ll be asking, “What is Pentecost?” and investigating shadows.
Our spelling rule next week is “er‘’ sounding words: twirl, consider, exercise, version, learn, grammar, favourite, peculiar, popular, certain, certificate, ascertain
Next week, our PE days are Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor)