
This week, in class, we have been asking, “How do we say animals names in French?” We have learned a pig is un cochon and a cow is une vache. In Art, we asked, “what is mixed media?” We used charcoal and chalk pastels to create a cave-style drawing using earthy colours. In PE, we’ve been playing different variations of the game tig. In History, we were asking, “What is the difference between an artefact, ecofact and features?” We learned that historians use these to help learn about the past. An artefact was man-made, an ecofact was natural and a feature is something that has been built in the landscape.
Our “Flashback 4” questions this week were:
1.As historians, what is the difference between a Primary and Secondary source?
2.Give an example of artificial light & natural light?
3.What is the ‘Trinity’ in Christianity?
God the ________
God the ________
God the ________
4.What is the region we live in? What is the county
we live in?
Next week, we’ll be asking, “What did prehistoric Britons eat and where did they live?”
Our spelling rule next week is “ear‘’ sounding words: weary, cereal, serial, interfere, sincerely, experience, period, here, hear, peer, pier, steered
Next week, our PE days are Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor)