
This week we have been asking: How do we use wax in art to create the illusion of
moving water when painting? Can we tell the time to the hour? How do we plan and
evaluate an investigation?
Our Flashback 4 questions have been: Define some of our PE key vocab: Co-ordination,
Accuracy and Focus. How many millilitres are in a litre? Can you name me any colours
in French? Can you name 3 features of a hot desert? Can you name 3 features of a cold
Next term we will be asking: How do celebrations give Hindu’s a sense of belonging?
What is a river? How do we create tally charts? How can we make materials change
Our spelling rule next week is ‘s’ sounding words spelt with a c before I, e and y, such as:
dice, fancy, face and city.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday
Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is Algorithms and Programming
(Coding) which links very well to our current computing topic