
This week in year 1, we have been reading The Chocolate Monster by Jan Page where lots of objects kept going missing but when Lucy fed him chocolate she got them all back!
In maths, we have been measuring using centimetres and we found out how far we could throw a beanbag! In computing, we have used Purple Mash to learn how to code and discovered that this just means giving the computer instructions which we gave to each other to move around the classroom (see Picture). In RE, we have learnt all about the Easter Story which is important to Christians and have made something yummy to bring home. We are now looking forward to a well-earned break from all of this hard work and are hoping that the Easter Bunny brings lots of chocolate eggs! However, if we do get a little fed up over the next 2 weeks, we have brought home our logins to use to get on to Oxford Owl to read some exciting books and show off our reading skills.
Next term in Year 1 we will be asking: What is beyond Keyingham and Hull?