
This week in year 1, we have been reading about Katie Morag and her adventures on a Scottish Island by Mairi Hedderick.
This week in Year 1 we have been learning to spell words with many different graphemes and writing sentences. In maths, we have been using tens and ones to make numbers up to 50. We have used part-whole models to split up the tens and ones. We have also been counting in 10s and 5s and we enjoy exercising whilst counting. In PE, we have continued to practise different rolls and particularly enjoyed the Teddy Bear roll. In Music, we have been learning to follow a rhythm using body parts and percussion instruments. We learnt that not all beats have to make a sound; listen carefully to the video and see if you can spot the missing beat.
Next week in Year 1 we will be enjoying a well-earned half term break and will return the week after refreshed and ready to learn even more. Our key question for our return will be: Do you know any pilots from Hull?