
Over the course of this term, Year 6 have really given it their all and launched themselves headfirst into all their learning. We have written biographies, instructions and character descriptions, learnt about and constructed electrical circuits in Science. We became street food chefs in DT, prepping, cooking and eating Samosas, pan frying pitta bread to eat with hummus and making a delicious taco. We have created an art installation highlighting the impact of pollution and learnt how to ask someone how they are in French, as well as how to order a number of different vegetables. The children have enjoyed learning all about fractions, decimals and place value this term and can’t wat to put it to use, divvying out their chocolate coins!

When asked, it won’t come as a surprise, that the children’s favourite memories this term are dominated by their trip to Peat Rigg where abseiling, stream walking and rock climbing were all tried - some more successfully than others. One child said, “The stream walking was fun, but freezing!”

As thoughts turn to the Christmas break, Lie-ins seem to be one of the things people are most excited about, as well as opening presents and spending time with the people that mean the most to them.

Next term they are looking forward to more Maths, more DT and continuing to use the tools in forest school.

Merry Christmas from everyone in Year 6!