This week in class we have been asking.... How did the Anglo-Saxon rulers stay in power? Why did Jesus have to die? Significance of salvation. Can we program code to make a turtle move around the screen? What ingredients make a good pitta bread? What are the features of a good biography? What skills show good body control in gymnastics and how important are positions in team games?
Next week we will be asking…can we use flowcharts and control simulations whilst coding? Is the world designed? Can we create parallel circuits? What are the features of a non-chronological report? What skills show good body control in gymnastics and how important are positions in team games? Do we know the order of operations(BODMAS)?
Our spelling rule next week is the sound ‘oe’ which includes spellings such as: donate, component, notice, groan, evolution, prohibited, tomatoes.
Children are free to work on whichever graduate award takes their interest.