
This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by showing respect and listening well to different visitors who have come in and taught us this week – this has included working with the teachers from Holderness Academy and Emily when rehearsing our Wizard of Oz dance.

This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by learning about ‘Substitution’ as part of Algebra when two teachers from Holderness Academy came to teach us this morning. They were really impressed with our work and behaviour.

This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by learning how to work on 2 v 1 attacking situations in our rugby session with the coach from Hull KR. We learnt that the secondary attacker had to be behind and that the defenders job was to engage the attackers.

Next week, will be a little bit different as we have a full day of ‘Wizard of Oz’ on Tuesday as we rehearse in the morning and perform it to school in the afternoon. We also have a further two performances on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Friday afternoon is sports day as well. So we will still be doing some Maths, Writing and Reading, but it will be a little bit different due to the other events. In Writing, we will be looking at creating a non-chronological report all about Ancient Greek Mythical Creatures. In Reading, we will be looking at a significant person from the past and in Maths we will be starting our last unit of work on converting measures.