This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by welcoming back one of our class members who had not been in school for a while. We also showed respect to Mr Steels who had come to teach us a new song to play on the ukuleles.
This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by showing resilience in lots of different subjects were we had to be responsible for working independently and producing work of a good standard.
This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by finding out and asking lots of questions all about Alexander the Great’s life, his empire and why he was famous. We learnt that he never lost a single battle or war in 15 years and that he liked to name places in his empire after his own name (he named around 70 places Alexandria).
Next week, we will be focusing on different Grammar and Spelling areas in our Writing sessions which will help us with our writing in general. In Reading, we will be finding out all about Helen Sharman. In Maths, we will be finishing our work on Area and Perimeter before moving onto Line Graphs. In the afternoons, we will be continuing our work on Materials in Science, Ancient Greece in History, Pilgrimage in RE, Being safe online in Jigsaw and starting our Art work looking at Ancient Greek theatre masks.