
This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by working hard for Miss Wilson on Wednesday and Thursday, showing that most of us are able to work hard for other staff members who may come into our classroom.  When children have either not felt very well, or had an injury, the rest of the class have shown kindness by offering to support them.

This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by working extremely hard on Spelling Frame everyday to try our best to get 100% in the test on Friday. We just need to keep working on this courage by making sure we spell words correctly in our written work.

This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by working carefully on our perspective art sketches and seeing what it will look like as we build it up piece by piece. In History, we showed curiosity by learning all about trade in Georgian Britain – in particular we learnt about exports and imports.

Next week, we will be starting our final writing piece for the Spring Term: We are going on an African Safari and writing a diary based on our experiences (Please note this is virtual and we are not actually going to Africa!). In Maths, we will be completing our unit of work on Fractions as we continue finding fractions of amounts and complete an assessment. In Reading, we will be looking at a non-fiction text all about a man called Tim Berners-Lee. Next Thursday, we will be heading to Hessle High School and Old Town in Hull as part of our Art, Geography and History work this term – don’t forget a coat and a packed lunch! In school, we will be continuing our work on the Georgians in History as well as looking at ‘My Relationship with Food’ in our Jigsaw lesson on Friday.