This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by working co-operatively during the discussions in Jigsaw and respecting everyone’s ideas. As part of Forest School, we worked well helping each other with our pulley wheel systems – they were quite tricky to do.
This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by offering to volunteer when putting someone into the recovery position in Jigsaw. We also showed courage by making sure both boys and girls were fully involved when playing on the MUGA and celebrated how it was actually better this way.
This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by learning how to put somebody into the recovery position in our latest Jigsaw session all about emergency aid. We also discussed and learnt how to react to a range of different emergency situations.
Next week, we will be completing our writing based on a familiar children’s story being told from a different point of view – Little Red Riding Hood, but from the Wolf’s POV and with a slight twist! In Reading, we are looking at a classic poem, ‘The Walrus and the Carpenter’. In Maths, we are heading back to the land of Fractions and looking at how to multiply them. In our curriculum lessons, we will be completing our work on Databases by finishing our database on countries and making a database about an interest of ours. We will also be working on some perspective drawing in Art and looking at Islam in RE. On Monday, we will be welcoming back Ivan for our second golf session in PE.