This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by making sure we were focused and not disturbing other children’s concentration when completing our Best Write work. The Eco-Warriors have also shown kindness to our plants by making sure they have been well watered this week.
This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by not giving up with our writing and coming up with interesting vocabulary for our work based on the style of Rob Lloyd Jones (the author of Wild Boy).
This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by learning how to tie different types of knots in Forest School – this meant we could build an A-frame tent. In Maths, we have shown curiosity by looking at how we can turn improper fractions into mixed number.
Next week, we will be continuing our version of Wild Boy in writing. In Reading, we will be focusing on a classic story extract from Peter Pan. In Maths, we will be looking at how to turn mixed numbers into improper fractions and comparing fractions. In the afternoons, we will be starting our Geography unit comparing two different places. We will also be continuing our work on Spreadsheets in Computing.