This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by being complimentary about other children’s Maya Mazes in our DT work this week. We have also being kind by working with different people and showing good group work skills.
This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by showing how well we can work when we have had visitors into our classroom this week. We showed them what we were doing and answered any questions when we were asked.
This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by looking at how other children have made their Maya Mazes aesthetically pleasing and taking suggestions for our own. We have also shown our curious side as an audience by taking an interest in the Key Stage 1 Nativity at the church.
Next week, we will be working on a range of different grammar skills and writing something ‘Christmassy’ in Writing. In Reading, we will be challenging ourselves with two different Christmas themed texts. In Maths, we will be finishing off our work on Multiplication and Division. In the afternoons, we are going to be working on two different double-page spreads: one based on our work on Life Cycles in Science and one based on our work on Beliefs in RE. We are heading to the church on Tuesday afternoon for our Carol Concert, doing Forest School on Wednesday afternoon and we are having some festive fun on Friday afternoon.