This week in Year 5, we have shown kindness by trying our best with both our work and behaviour when Miss Whiting taught us on Wednesday. As a class, we were respectful when the visitors from Dove House Hospice took our assembly.
This week in Year 5, we have shown courage by achieving 100% attendance this week with some of us coming into school even if we haven’t felt very well. We have also shown courage in our Jigsaw lessons as we were exploring sensitive issues linked to bullying and joining in with the questions and discussions.
This week in Year 5, we have shown curiosity by taking the lead in our own research when finding out about the life cycles of butterflies and answering questions linked to the Maya and the way they lived. In assembly on Wednesday, we also increased our understanding of what Dove House Hospice do to help people who are unwell.
Next week, we will be finishing our suspense story in writing and moving onto looking at factors and primer numbers in Maths. In the afternoons, we will be carrying on our work on Life Cycles in Science and working through our Coding lessons in Computing.