
This week in class we have been asking....
How do I use quotes in a news report? Can I use informal features of language when writing quotations? Which skills are needed to find fractions of amounts? What is the difference between a battery and a cell? Why do we need to be aware of copyright when making a website? How do our own actions impact the environment? Why do some people decide to ‘bully’ others? How do you make hummus?
Next week we will be asking....
Can we show resilience and try our best in our Mock SATs week? What is a series circuit? Why are there so many problems with plastic? What are the problems and solutions for use of plastics? How can I use the different tools on PowerPoint to start making my version of a website? Why is it important to celebrate differences in people around us? How do you make a samosa?
Our spelling rule for the first week after half-term will be -sure and -ture words including:
capture, creature, culture, exposure, feature, fixture, gesture, measure, mixture, nature, picture, pleasure, puncture, treasure
Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is …..
History (Year 6) https://www.keyinghamprimaryschool.co.uk/attachments/download.asp?file=591&type=pdf
REMEMBER: PE is every Monday and Thursday