This week in class we have been asking....
What devices can you record videos on? Can you name different filming techniques? How do you use the different techniques when filming? Is it easy to catch a ball after turning around? What are the different stages of the human life cycle? Where in the world would you find saltwater and freshwater? What are the different stages of the water cycle? How did Christianity spread from its beginning?
Our 'Flash Back 4' questions were...
Why do children share features with their parents?
This/last week: Can you name the different filming techniques?
This term: What is the geographical term for the start of a river?
Last term: What is the difference between autocracy and democracy?
Next week we will be asking....
How does a storyboard help when filming a video? Is accuracy or speed more important when doing an overarm throw? What are the different types of fixings and fastenings? What is emergency aid? How do you put someone in the recovery position? Why were the Romans important in the early spread of Christianity? Can you retell a classic children’s story from a different point of view? How do you write a thousandth as a decimal?
Our spelling rule after half term will be ‘p’ including words such as …..
apparent, appreciate, competition, correspond, desperate, develop, disappear, explanation, inappropriate, supernatural
Our Graduate Award that we are working towards is …..
Geography – Local Area