This week in Year 4, we have shown kindness by helping people in our class complete their bird feeders. We also helped Mrs Burman tidy up after making the bird feeders. We have helped each other in art when we were trying new skills with watercolours. We also had to make a border for our artwork with masking tape and we helped each other to do that. Today, we helped each other when we were doing short multiplication, making sure we calculated it correctly. We have continued to be kind at playtime too.
This week in Year 4, we have shown courage by learning new skills in art when we were using watercolours.
This week in Year 4, we have shown curiosity by finding out about the ‘Big Bird Watch’ which we are going to take part in next week.
Next week our focus will be completing our first double page spread of 2023, that hopefully will show everything that we have learned this half term.