This week in Year 4, we have shown kindness by everyone helping each other out whether they have been stuck on a question or needed help on the laptops. We have also shown kindness in PE this week by encouraging others even when things haven’t gone right.
This week in Year 4, we have shown courage by trying hard at different tasks even if we did not know the answers straight away. What has been really nice is seeing how we have all been courageous in Maths and made progress with our time knowledge.
This week in Year 4, we have shown curiosity by asking lots of questions and finding out all about different types of farming methods, who the G7 are and why we need to not waste water.
Next week, we will be learning all about The Romans. We will be looking at if they were successful as a group and find out why they invaded Britain. We will be continuing our grammar skills in Writing and time in Maths