
This week, Y4 enjoyed celebrating World Environment Day by creating our own digital art: we were inspired by David Hockney's work. We talked about climate change and pollution, and our art tried to reflect the problems facing the world.
Our writing continued to focus on a diary entry and we added to, and improved, Hogarth's diary (using The Iron Man for inspiration). Reading continued with a focus on the author's choice of words in the Iron Man.
Maths: we practised formal written methods of multiplication and division. We used the inverse operations to check our answers. Times-table squares have been sent home for everyone to have a practice.
Theme: we discussed 'community' and started looking at roles in the community. Lots of people contributed to our talk about clubs and what it means to be part of different communities.
After Easter, we've got swimming lessons to look forward to and we hope everyone is looking forward to them.
Have a super break. Happy Easter.